WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Paper 5 Appendix 3 – Design Guide Route to Adoption Design Guide - Route Adoption Employ consultants to produce a design guide and checklist for CNPA Done Include CNPA staff, board member working group and Local Authorities to guide consultants’ thoughts on what is required Ongoing meetings with consultants, board members and officers to take guide forward in draft Sept - Nov Take forward options on best way forward to Board for informal discussion 11th Jan 2008 Work closely with 4 Local Authorities to ensure widest buy in to process for future use in all applications submitted and not called in Factor into guide Boards thoughts into Guide; targeted workshops with key stakeholders Feb/Mar 2008 Prepare revised guide to roll out for wider public consultation April/May 2008 Ongoing work on SEA to inform Guide. Consider findings of consultation and produce guide to use as informal guidance within CNP called in applications. Work closely with LA to encourage widespread implementation May – July 2008 – board meeting July 2008 Board agreement of Design Guide for use as Advise on best practice July 2008 Link closely with Local Plan modifications to ensure design guide and modifications are working in tandem Use design guide within CNPA and 4 Local Authorities to test against ‘called in’ and other applications August 2008 ... Design guide cannot be used as Supplementary Planning Guidance in support of Local Plan policies until local plan is adopted; therefore its scoring checklist could not be used to refuse or approve particular applications at this stage Make modifications in light of trial period to ensure guide can be adopted in parallel with Local Plan January/ Feb 2009 Adopt design guide as formal SPG in support of Local Plan June 2009